The longest-running primetime scripted show in television history, THE SIMPSONS exploded into popular culture in 1990 and has remained one of the most groundbreaking and innovative entertainment franchises, recognizable throughout the world. HOMER (Dan Castellaneta), MARGE (Julie Kavner), BART (Nancy Cartwright), LISA (Yeardley Smith) and MAGGIE are instantly identifiable television icons. Rounding out this cast of characters are many beloved Springfield residents, including tavern proprietor MOE SZYSLAK (Hank Azaria) and nuclear power plant owner MR. BURNS (Harry Shearer). The Emmy Award-, Annie Award- and Peabody Award-winning animated comedy will begin its 33rd season this year. The premiere episode will be a Broadway musical-inspired episode with all original songs. Kristen Bell makes a guest appearance as Marge’s singing voice. Additional upcoming guest voice stars this season include Rachel Bloom, Timothy Olyphant, Cristin Milioti and Brian Cox.
THE SIMPSONS is a Gracie Films Production in association with 20th Television. James L. Brooks, Matt Groening and Al Jean are the executive producers. The Gracie Films Worldwide Brand Division develops and produces the licensed content for the series.
THE SIMPSONS © 2020 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Dan Castellaneta As Voice Of Homer Simpson And Others
Julie Kavner As Voice Of Marge Simpson And Others
Nancy Catwright As Voice Of Bart Simpson And Others
Yeardley Smith As Voice Of Lisa Simpson
Harry Shearer As Voice Of Mr. Burns, Smithers, Kent Brockman And Others
Hank Azaria As Voice Of Moe, Chief Wiggum And Other