FOX Food serves up more…

quality food content than the rest. 20% of our entire primetime lineup are food programs. With best-in-class shows like Next Level Chef, MasterChef, Crime Scene Kitchen and Hell’s Kitchen, FOX is true appointment viewing for culinary enthusiasts.

Source: Nielsen, 9/25/23-9/15/24, Food programming hours out of FOX’s overall prime entertainment hours.

FOX Entertainment Smokes the Competition!

FOX Food shows deliver more than triple the A18-49 audience of other competitive food programs



FOX Advantage

FOX Prime Ent. vs. Food Net.
432 (000’s) vs. 116 (ooo’s)


Gordon Advantage

G. Ramsay Shows vs. Food Net.
387(000’s) vs. 116(000’s)

Source: Nielsen, C7, 9/25/23-9/1/24, Prime Entertainment, network averages and FOX food rollup includes all episodes, programs exclude repeats and specials, FOX Food rollup excludes post-NFL episodes of Next Level Chef


Where the Best in Culinary Meets Commerce

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